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News from FrOSCon News

Programm is online

Finally the program for 2015 is published. Currently the subconference and developer rooms are still missing. Also minor changes can occur.

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Recruiting Session

Looking for a job? Internship? Student job? Place to write your thesis? Come to our recruiting session!

Second Keynote-Speaker: Jon "maddog" Hall

And we are still looking back: Our second keynote speaker also was at FrOSCon once before.

Discount on LPI exams at FrOSCon 10

We are happy to offer LPI exams to discounted conditions at FrOSCon like in the last years.

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Call for Paper and Call for Projects started

For the 10th time we ask you to become a part of FrOSCon.

First Keynote Speaker: Andrew Tanenbaum

10 years of FrOSCon - let’s look back. For our tenth anniversary we decided to invite some of our past keynote speakers to present at FrOSCon again.

The date of FrOSCon 10 is official!

The 10th FrOSCon will take place on August 22nd and 23rd! Like in the previous years FrOSCon will be hostet at the University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg in Sankt Augustin. Since it is our 10th birthday, there might be few surprises. Looking forward to seeing you there!

KickOff Meeting for FrOSCon 2015

10 years of FrOSCon - be part of it and help us to make FrOSCon 2015 awesome!

Recordings online

Thanks to the amazing work of our video team, the videos of this years FrOSCon 9 are already available on

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Program changes

Due to cancellation by the speakers following talks will not be held:

Sa 11:15 HS5 Knowing your Garbage Collector
Sa 12:00 Workshop AngularJS, Ionic und PhoneGap: Der Stack für neue Mobile-Apps
Sa 16:30 HS5 Taugt AngularJS wirklich was?

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Keysigning Party

Like in the last year there will be a keysigning party on Saturday evening. What is that? Read here:

Program is online

Finally the program for 2014 is published. Currently the subconference and developer rooms are still missing. Also minor changes can occur.

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Deutsche Bahn Event Ticket

Like in the last years we are again able to offer a Deutsche Bahn event ticket. With this ticket you can get to FrOSCon to a reasonable price even if you are spontaneus.

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Discount on LPI exams at FrOSCon 9

We are happy to offer LPI exams to discounted conditions at FrOSCon like in the last years.

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Call for Papers and Call for Projects started

The Call for Papers and Call for Projects have started. Until May 23rd, 2014 you have time to submit your proposal or apply for a project/developer room or booth.

Lots of new workshops at FrogLabs 2014

Like every year, there will be an extensive youth programme including many exciting tutorials and a great holiday camp at FrOSCon’s 9th iteration. While adult open source hackers attend the programme at HBRS, the youngest of us have the possibility to spend their weekend proving their creativity and learning new stuff together with others. This year’s programme includes …

9. FrOSCon - Save the date!

August 23rd + 24th 2014

The ninth FrOSCon will take place on August 23rd and 24th in Sankt Augustin at the University of Applied Science Bonn-Rhein-Sieg.

Like every year we will have a comprehensive set of lectures, a big exhibition, our legendary social event, and a lot more. So, don’t miss it!