All videos of FrOSCon 2015 now with DOI and searchable by spoken and written text!
All 80 videos are now freely available in the TIP* AV-Portal:
All videos now have a Digital Object Identifiern (DOI) as well as Media Fragment Identifier. Therewith you can link to videos, or specific excerpts, from wikis or similar as well as cite them in scientific publications.
Additionally the videos underwent an automatic video analysis, which made the spoken as well as written word in the videos searchable.
* The Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) in Hannover is the german central die Deutsche Zentrale technical library for technic as well as architecture, chemistry, mathematics, and physics. As govermental institution of the Leibniz community, it is finances by the state and does not follow any commercial interest. With the TIB AV-Portal the TIB provides a free to use (for user as well as provider of scientific videos) research and hosting portal for grade scientific films from the fields of engineering and natural sciences: