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The FrOSCon Team Meets at Linuxhotel News

The preparations for FrOSCon 15 are in full swing.

True to our motto “After FrOSCon is before FrOSCon”, the preparations for FrOSCon 15 already started in late 2019.

This weekend in the middle of March we hold our first weekend-long meeting, hosted by the Linuxhotel, located in the city of Essen. We work hard to make the FrOSCon an enjoyable conference once again. Volunteers lie at the heart of FrOSCon - be it as helpers, as speakers, and last but not least, as visitors. Unfortunately, Corona/SARS-CoV-2 and how to deal with the effects of it is a big topic this year.

There is not only work, but also plenty of fun is to be had. Linuxhotel, with its well-equipped seminar rooms and its location amidst greenery, allows for phases of intense work as well as for socialising.

Linuxhotel is the one address you need to know when it comes to courses and trainings in OpenSource. The staff members are super friendly and are familiar with the special requirements of us technophile persons (vulgo: geeks). We enjoyed our weekend at Linuxhotel.