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More Diversity - Open Source for Everyone News

The Prototype Fund starts its third round.

Today we want to draw your attention to a topic, which does not affect the FrOSCon directly, but in a greater context. The Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland and their Prototype Fund just started collecting applications for grants. This third round focuses on the topic ‘Diversität’ with all of its meanings.

The Prototype Fund, which is government-funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, supports software developers, hackers and creative people in general and helps them to develop their ideas from the first concepts to an implemented prototype. Besides Open Source projects dealing with the main topic, projects within the scope of civic tech, data literacy, privacy and infrastructure can be funded.

Candidates for a grant could be self-employed or individual persons or they can be teams. The candidates must have a permanent address in Germany. Projects will be funded up to six months, it is expected to produce a concept and an implementation of a prototype system during this time. The results have to be published with an Open source compatible license.

Succesful applicants will be supported with a financial aid of up to 30,000€ over the duration of six months. Additionally, mentoring is offered and you can make use of an extended social network for exchanging experiences.

In our opinion, the Prototype Fund is an excellent opportunity to get funding for your project and at the same time you have the chance to tackle some of the important and urgent topics of our society.