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Keynote Speaker Karen Sandler News

Cyborgs Unite!

We are pleased to announce Karen Sandler, the executive director of the Software Freedom Conservancy, as one of our keynote speakers. Before working with the Software Freedom Conservancy, Karen was engaged with many other well-known Open Source organisations. Exemplifically, she was executive director of the GNOME Foundation.

Karen as well co-organizes Outreachy, a programme that supports people who are underrepresented in the world of Open Source.

Due to her interest in and her advocacy for free software, particularly in relation to the software on medical devices, Karen, who has a heart device implanted in her body, is nicknamed as ‘cyborg lawyer’.

In Saturday’s keynote talk ‘Cyborgs Unite!’ Karen wants to share her knowledge and experiences of Open Source software in the context of medical devices. She will discuss her professional as well as her personal view. Amongs others, Karen wants to point out the risks and issues that arise from the usage of closed source systems as vital devices implanted into the human body.