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FrOSCon vs. Corona/SARS-CoV-2 News

Will FrOSCon 15 happen?

Corona - a few weeks ago this reminded us to a beverage, if at all. Now the Corona virus SARS-CoV-2 affects the lifes of all of us. You may follow the current news.The authorities in charge try to give useful advice to slow down the spreading of the virus. For instance, currently events that gather lots of people at the same venue must not take place. Besides cultural and educational events this also affects conferences.

Will FrOSCon 15 happen in August 2020? The situation changes very rapidly, one way or the other, and it is hard to tell what will be in August. The health and well-being of everyone who is involved with FrOSCon is dear to us, we like to give you a carefree and safe conference experience. Guided by the advocacies of the authorities we will take the tough decision in the early summer. We will further inform you about important developments.