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COVID-Relevant Rules at FrOSCon 2022 News

How to visit FrOSCon and stay healthy.

Update 2023: We would like to emphasize that individual responsibility and rationality remain of utmost importance. Although the mask mandate has been lifted, we strongly urge you to act responsibly.

COVID continues to accompany us. To protect us all, we would like to remind you to stay at home if you don’t feel good, please test yourself before you come to the event and stay at home and isolate yourselves if the test is positive. The protection of everyone involved is important.

FrOSCon will take place mainly indoors.

Masks are mandatory in the buildings. We recommend at least FFP2.

Wear a fresh mask indoors. Bring your own masks. If for some reason you do not have a mask with you, please contact us, we will have a small stock of masks ready for individual cases.

Furthermore, we strongly recommend all participants to get vaccinated.