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Call for Papers Started News

Help to create FrOSCon’s online lecture programme.

It is this time of the year again! For the 15th time we invite you to help to create FrOSCon’s lecture programme. Our Call for Papers is open now. Please take into account, that due to the current situation this year’s FrOSCon will be held as an online event.

The focus topics of this year’s conference are

  • Antivirus software - How Open Source Software can help overcome the crisis
  • Balanced by the market - video conferencing: Zoom on the Big Blue Button in Teams
  • Working (together) in spite of Corona - Lessons learned on the journey to working from home
  • Privacy vs. pandemic response - Who’s protecting our data from the virus
  • Clouds on the horizon - What happens when there’s no space left in the cloud
  • Infrastruktur as a Scalability-Issue - Need more bandwidth, VPNs and everything

Do you have a great idea for a talk or a workshop, that fits into our range of topics and can be delivered online? Or do you want to show off your FLOSS project to a wider audience? Then get your keyboard ready! Until May 23rd you have time to enter proposals.

We are looking forward to your contributions!