Where does FrOSCon take place?
At Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, University for Applied Sciences. The address for your navigation: Grantham-Allee 20, 53757 Sankt Augustin. You can find the venue on OpenStreetMap.
How much does a ticket cost? How do I register?
There is no entry fee and you do not need to register upfront! If you want to support us financially, you may purchase a business ticket.
Will there be conference shirts available?
Yes, we will have conference and speaker shirts again.
Where do I put my luggage during FrOSCon?
There is a (limited) luggage room. Just ask at our information desk. However, we cannot assume liability for any luggage left there.
How can I get involved with FrOSCon’s program?
If you want to hold a talk, you must make a submission before the conference. All information and deadlines are available on our Call for Papers page. If you want to present a project at a stand or work on it in a devroom, you must also make a submission. Information and deadlines are available on our Call for Projects page.
I want to report on FrOSCon. Who can I talk to?
We have collected some press information on a separate page. If you have further questions, please write us a mail.
How can I support FrOSCon financially? May I advertise for my business?
We have numerous options for partners. Please write use a mail for details. If you want to make a small contribution, we offer business tickets.
Does FrOSCon have a Code of Conduct?
At FrOSCon, we foster an open and friendly environment. For new or otherwise interested visitors, we have a written Code of Conduct as a condensed version.