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Call for Projects CfP


We invite you to participate in the 19th FrOSCon. You are welcome to contribute with your project to this year’s FrOSCon and thus support the communication and exchange within the Free/Libre and Open Source Software community. We hope to see you at FrOSCon!


We provide a large exhibition area, where free and open source projects have the opportunity to present themselves to get in touch with users and developers.


Additionally, we offer rooms for projects to host developer meetings or to self-organize a talk or workshop program for visitors.


Visit our form to register and submit your proposal. First, select between a developer room or an exhibition booth to get to the specific form. Please include a short summary of what you are planning and any requirements you might have.

Please register before May 23rd, 2024 to give us enough time to organize your project’s participation. We’ll get back to you shortly after.


If you have any questions, you can reach us via

Important Dates

Will be updated soon. They will be similar to last year’s:

  • May 23rd, 2024 End of our Call for Projects. After this deadline you can only be accepted if we have enough time and space to organize your participation.
  • End of June Notification of acceptance or rejection.
  • End of July Information regarding details of the conditions at the venue.
  • August 17th, 2024 First day of FrOSCon.