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Call for Papers CfP


We are looking for contributions on current trends and developments in all areas of Free and Open Source Software, e.g.:

  • Operating systems
  • Software development
  • Administration
  • IT security
  • Legal aspects
  • Desktop
  • Education
  • GIS

Focus areas

This year we chose to focus especially on the following topics:

  • In Rust we trust - Memory safe languages
  • Grow your own - Open Source Plant management
  • SBOM - Who supplies your software chain?
  • Thinking outside the stack - eBPF and friends
  • Bridging the Gap between politics and reality - Open Source Lobbying
  • AI AI, captain - LLM, machine learning & Co

Submitting Contributions

Registration and submission of contributions is accomplished via the web-based frontend. To participate in the Call for Papers, you will have to submit a short abstract as well as a detailed description. To participate in the conference you will also need to submit slides for your talk beforehand.

Until June 11th, 2024 develpers and experts interested in giving a lecture or workshop at the conference can submit their proposals. The selection is done by a program committee until end of June.

Length of the contributions

The abstract should summarize the planned content of the talk in a precise and succinct way. We do not place a limit on its length.

The talks should take no more than 45 minutes, in order to allow some time for questions and subsequent preparing the stage for the following speaker.

We can accept longer contributions in special cases; we ask for a justification for the longer extent in this case.


Abstract and description have to be submitted as plain text via the web frontend. We ask for submission of the slides in PDF format; other open document formats such as OpenOffice should only be submitted after prior consultation.


Contributions can be submitted in German as well as English. The choice of language should depend solely on which language is more suitable for presenting the chosen topic. Language of submitted texts and the resulting talk should be the same.


We will publish abstract, description, slides and a video of your presentation on a website and include the abstract in the conference program. We demand that you place your contributions under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (or a more lenient license).

Unless another license is noted, we will assume that your contribution is under this license. If you want to place your works under a less restrictive license, please note so with your submission.

Important Dates

  • June 11th, 2024 End of the Call for Papers. All contributions need to be submitted by this date in order to qualify.
  • Beginning of July 2024 Notification of acceptance of all contributions .
  • July 14th, 2024 Final acceptance. We ask all invited speakers to give their final confirmation by this date.
  • August 17th, 2024 First day of FrOSCon.


Please send questions about the Call for Papers via email to For further questions abour the conference send an email to

Selection of Contributions

Contributions are selected based on their content by a program committee. Please understand that we cannot accept all contributions and are limited by the number and quality of the submissions. We will favor submissions which fall under one of the aforementioned topics.

Other Remuneration

FrOSCon is organized by volunteers and is mostly funded by partners. We ask you to understand that we will not be able to reimburse you for your expenses.


There will be a contingent of rooms reserved for our speakers in a nearby hotel. You will receive details on that after your submission has been accepted.

Social Event

We host a social event on Saturday evening and kindly invite all speakers to attend.